
Scan and check Authenticity for ELRAVIE makes you more comfortable

RELEASE TIME:2023-12-25ARTICLE SOURCE:elravie艾莉薇

The aesthetic industry has become more and more popular over the years, and many beauty seekers have acknowledged the idea of becoming beautiful through aesthetic procedure. At the same time of the rapid development of the aesthetic industry, the industry is in chaos, many upstream manufacturers appear a large number of smuggled and fake goods.
Due to the rapid development of the aesthetic industry, the industry order and standardization has not kept pace with the development of the speed, many instruments and products without the appropriate medical qualifications entered the market, which has number of adverse effects on the beauty seekers.
This kind of frequent problem of fake and smuggled products makes the beauty seekers have a strong demand for the authenticity of aesthetic products, which should and must be satisfied by the upstream brands. In the face of this kind of industry chaos, Chinese Association of Plastics and Aesthetics has launched the first official aesthetic compliance service query and supervision platform - "China Aesthetic" industry compliance information platform to provide a number of services. By scanning the code and checking the authenticity of the products, ELRAVIE starts from itself, interconnecting thousand national institutions, we provide safe and effective products to beauty seekers, so that they can become beautiful with comfort.

The first verification is visualized on the product packaging, which is affixed with two anti-counterfeiting stickers, namely, the Korean certification label "Jiang Yingshi Award” logo and "HUMEDIX" English gold laser mark, which should be recognized when using the products of ELRAVIE. Beauty seekers must recognize these two stickers when using ELRAVIE products to protect their rights and interests and make you feel more comfortable when you become beautiful.

Scan and check Authenticity for ELRAVIE makes you more comfortable

Scan and check Authenticity for ELRAVIE makes you more comfortable

The second verification can be completed by scanning the code, the beauty seekers can scan the code on the official account of the ELRAVIE, scrape the anti-counterfeiting sticker coating on the outer packaging of the product, you can get the anti-counterfeiting code, enter the code in the section of Authenticity Search on the official account, then you can check the Authenticity.

Scan and check Authenticity for ELRAVIE makes you more comfortable

Scan and check Authenticity for ELRAVIE makes you more comfortable

You can also check the Authenticity in the "China Aesthetic" mini program. Searching "China Aesthetic" mini program on Wechat, clicking and entering “Authenticity Search”, finding the entrance of Authenticity for ELRAVIE, then you can check the authenticity of the product manually or automatically.

‘Scan and check the Authenticity’ is a very important guarantee for both the brand and the beauty seekers, and is also an important push to promote the standardization of the industry. ELRAVIE also hopes to become an important pusher and industry benchmark for the formalization of the aesthetic industry, so that beauty seekers can use the regular products, so that they can easily become beautiful.
We would like to remind everyone that aesthetic way makes us more beautiful, but we must not be greedy for small bargains, and we must choose regular medical institutions and products on the way to become beautiful, so as to become beautiful safely.